Home Funeral Basics Home funerals are a first step to going out green. Learn more about how you can plan and complete a home funeral, including paperwork and making arrangements. How to>Have a Home Funeral in New Hampshire, Perform Body Care, and Cooling Techniques. Home Funeral Description Download and Checklist For a step-by-step description, download How to Have a Home Funeral in NH. Click here for an abbreviated checklist (coming soon).
Who to Call in the Case of an Unattended Death Deaths that occur when not on hospice service or under an attending physician's care must be reported to the Medical Examiner's Office at the locations listed on this webpage: https://www.doj.nh.gov/medical-examiner/report-death.htm. Once an ME has been called in, they are responsible for initiating the death certificate and completing the medical portion before turning it over to the next-of-kin who is acting as his/her/their own funeral director.
Find a Speaker Near You NHFREA speakers are ready to come to you with presentations on a variety of funeral-related topics. We will also tailor presentations to your group or interests. Presentations
Find a Workshop Near You Learn what goes into family-conceived, family-directed after-death care, including paperwork, body care, and much more. Presentations Find a Home Funeral Guide Home funeral guides are knowledgeable about all facets of what happens after death, from body care to legal requirements. Learn more at the National Home Funeral Alliance Find an End-of-Life Doula or After-Death Care Educator EOLDs seek to provide meaningful end-of-life experiences for the dying, their caregivers, and the agencies involved in myriad ways before the death occurs. Some doulas also offer after-death education. Find an EOL doula in your area at the National End-of-Life Doula Alliance
Find a New Hampshire Funeral Director A comparative price guide of funeral goods and services, complete with contact information. Be sure to check out How To Read a General Price Listif you have questions. 2020 Funeral Home Price Survey Find Locally Sourced Crafts and Funeral Goods Support your local artists and craftspeople in their efforts to create biodegradable products, such as caskets, urns, shrouds, and markers, from materials indigenous to the area. Shop local! Casket, Urn and Shroud Makers Find an Interfaith Minister or Celebrant A resource for anyone who wishes to include a minister to officiate and lead rituals such as funerals,memorials, weddings, commitment ceremonies, baby blessings/namings, house blessings and other ceremonies to mark important life passages. Interfaith Ministers of New England The Celebrant Institute and Foundation