Making Informed Decisions When Hiring a Funeral ProfessionalIn an effort to offer ways to help New Hampshire families make informed consumer funeral purchases, we periodically ask funeral directors for their latest General Price Lists (GPL). The information gathered is then used to create a survey that allows anyone to familiarize themselves with providers, and compare goods and services. We make every effort to include as many funeral establishments as possible by sending a written request, a follow-up email, and at least one phone call during a one-year period. If you do not see your local funeral home listed, please ask them to contact us to be included. There are no costs associated with this service.
Learning How to Read a General Price List ahead of time helps de-mystify the process and ease anxiety over money concerns. We use regional surveys extrapolated from the complete list when making presentations to teach how to read a GPL. When working with hospice patients and their families, a thoughtful and informative conversation about funeral planning is empowering and often opens up communication between family members that might not otherwise occur. Funeral Directors: Please contact us with any changes or corrections, or send an updated GPL at any time to be included. We strive to provide accurate information to benefit all. |
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